
NPA News

A good month for Massachusetts startups

I love robots, but I am pretty sure my wife would kick me out if I insisted on the robotic night light in this month’s ICYMI section. Nice idea, poor execution.

There were lots of fun events in April and early May. It was good seeing many of you, and some of the team had massive fun, too.

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AI in Boston and March was great for fundraising

Yesterday was Patriots Day, which in Boston is synonymous with Marathon Day. Every year, it’s a fantastic party and a tremendous show of grit, endurance, and team spirit. I found that many items related to training for and running such distances have remarkable similarities in business.

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Massachusetts business confidence is up and so are funding options

It’s snowing here in greater Boston, and we are having a great time! Since you are probably goofing off…kill some time and give us a review here.

The Robot Summit & Expo is back, and it looks better than ever. We will be there and hope to see you. (Early Bird pricing is still available.)

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Amazing Startup Events

Naah, summer is not over, at least not in New England! September is shaping up to be a fantastic month, with the best startup events of the year. I hope we see you there!

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